I truly believe each student will find the right school for them. I’ve worked with a wide variety students who attend small private colleges to the big-name Ivies. Their talents range from the committed athlete to the rocket scientist, drummer, and camp counselor.


Where Clients Got In

The list below is not exhaustive. Clients share where they go more than where they could go.

  • Appalachian State
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Harvard
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Lees-McRae
  • Montana
  • NC State
  • NYU
  • Oregon
  • Purdue
  • Eastern Tennessee State
  • Tennessee
  • UChicago
  • UC Santa Barbara
  • UCLA
  • University of San Diego
  • UVA Law
  • Virginia Tech
  • Yale



  • University of Durham
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Nottingham


What Clients Say

“Thank you so much! I could not have written the essay without you!”

-A. Student (Harvey Mudd)

“B. can’t wait to start writing after talking to you about her essays.”

-S. Mom (NYU)

“Francie helped see her superpowers and write in her own voice.”

- M. mom (UCLA)

“A. likes you better than any other coaches he’s had, including Tae Kwon Do!”

-N. Dad (Purdue)

“OMG! I could not have put this essay together without you! Thank you so much.”

-L. Student (Colorado)

“You are magical! My daughter is skipping down the hall excited to write.”

-P. Mom (UChicago ED)

“You helped my daughter believe in herself. She couldn’t wait to read her essay to me and she never shares anything.”

-M. Mom (Colorado)

“You showed me sides of myself I never considered.”

-N. Student (Harvard)

“Miss Francie made my ideas feel welcomed and I immediately felt comfortable and at ease.”

- B. Student (Georgia)