Student Invite

Hey High School Seniors!

Struggling to tell your unique story on all those college apps?

“Yeah. I’m not so unique,” you say.

Yes, you are. You really are special!

It’s tough to put yourself on a pedestal after years of being told not to brag. It’s common to think you are not a standout, a bore to college admissions reps. Writing is not your favorite, I know, most people choke over the word “write.” (Parents included in the EEK! factor.)

I get it.

A long time ago, I was a scared high school student with zero confidence in my writing know-how and my minor accomplishments. What I wished I had back then, was someone to show me how writing can be fun, not stuffy and that I didn’t need to swallow a dictionary to sound smart on paper. As a grown-up, I’ve taken a lot of classes to learn how to express myself in a personal essay (basically a college essay) and I’ve had a lot of friends encouraging me to keep going.

That’s what I want to do for you: Encourage you to believe in your most awesome self and get excited to share your shining story. I’ve helped a lot of prospective students in our community, including my own two boys, my toughest critics! Their dad says, “Mom makes your stories come alive.”

I’ve been known to receive a handshake or two after coaching a student with their prose. I’d like to earn a handshake from you, virtually, or live.

Send me an email, or maybe your parents can get the ball rolling:

Looking forward to meeting you,

Francie Low
College Essay Coach. Published essayist and author. Former sales and marketing executive.

Check out a snapshot of my work and accomplishments in the sidebar.




You’re awesome!

I think that of every new essay client before we utter one word together.

Everyone has a story, whether you are the uber-athlete, entrepreneur, musician, artist, writer, engineer, or scientist. No essay is the same. Each student is like a snowflake with their own identifying characteristics to make their essay like none other.

My goal is to make the writing process fun and exciting by finding a topic that is interesting and true to the student. I flat out say to write what excites or this will be drudgery. Students are shocked the essay can be about a hobby such as mountain biking, playing Clue, or list-making.

Within the story, the superpower emerges, such as courageous, problem-solver, visionary, organizer, steadfast, compassionate, detailed.

Yes, I help with the essay structure, but a large part of what I do is self-reflection. Students come away with confidence and pride. Their joy brings me joy.

I love my job and I’d love the opportunity to work with your high school senior. You can email me here for questions or to set up a call.