Starting a new year feels fresh and hopeful. We are striving to make the best of a tragic situation that could last for as long as we choose to look at it that way. We take every moment we can to remember Alexander and to feel him. We don’t want to be so caught up in...
Cary is a festive place, especially around the Christmas holidays. We knew before we started this adventure that Cary celebrated multiple events a year, but WOW! The Lantern Festival is one of the most colorful and drew us in during the research phase of Cary....
Living in the Raleigh-Durham area is different from other areas of North Carolina. It’s not super southern, but it has nuances I quite enjoy. Cary is very international and multicultural which is a big draw for us, not to mention that namesake thing…Cary is my middle...
Now that we’ve been here all of three months, we’ve learned some things. Some of it is great and some of it are you kidding me?!? The biggie, Houses. Yes, houses are less by about 40% in Cary and even less an hour outside of Cary, but you’re an hour away from jobs and...
After twenty-six years of cultivating and growing a community of friends, how do you just leave that? My network of buddies could help me with anything, a Rolodex of advisers and fixers. Without our boys, or a dog, or PTA, how do we start over? That’s a question I...
From the moment we decided Cary is the place to be, the universe showered us with magical messages to guide us and remove any doubt we were on the right path. Days after signing the papers to sell, Hubby found a large poster-size paper on our lawn near the garbage...
We last left off with the invitation and acceptance of helpers to pack. The kitty-cat wandered in to see if we were really moving; cats know! So, for everyone’s entertainment during the worst part of moving, packing, he’ll provide levity. The first...
Packing up is the hardest part about moving. Kitty cats help in the only way they know how by not letting you pack. Did we pack up a kitty cat? Naw. If we could pack up our part-time pet, we would, but he belongs to at least five other families in the neighborhood....
The lyrics from the Talking Heads song “Once In A Lifetime,” plays in my head as I think how the plan to move to Cary took flight. Modified to suit of course. The fires from a few years back were the first nudge to get us thinking outside of California. This is not...
Podcasts during shelter in place are a gift. With plenty of time, fresh sneaks and new Airpods, I’ve been filling my miles with stories and interviews. I am extra productive on my productive days because I don’t want to stop listening. Airpods changed...