Dear Alive And Fixable Fans,

You sure do know how to make an author bubble over with happiness. When I set out to write my opus, I wanted to share what we learned from Hubby’s icky accident day. Maybe it would be an inspiration or a guide for others? One by one, fans are quietly asking for additional copies in hopes of helping someone like Hubby and me.

I happened to be home on a Sunday morning, reading the New York Times, when the doorbell rang. I was pretty sure it would be a neighbor because not even solicitors work on Sunday mornings.

My neighbor Sherry stood at the door with a dog leash in one hand and crumpled bills in another.

“My daughter’s pastor was in a terrible cycling accident. He doesn’t recognize his family. Did that happen with you?” She asked, almost before saying hello.

I invited her in and explained how Hubby did know me, “But if you ask him what happened or what he said, his mind is blank.” I grabbed a book from my stash in my oldest son’s room, repurposed into my book office.

“Do you want me to sign it? I can gift wrap it too.” I offered. The book was for the wife of the poor cyclist, a gift of love and helpfulness from Sherry’s daughter. I was really touched.

“Oh, that would be great. Her name is Quinn. Two Ns.”

I scratched out my signature and tied a red raffia ribbon around the book, my simple gift wrap.

Alive And Fixable Gift Wrap Francie Low


As I walked Sherry to the front door, I told her, “Thank you. I really hoped to be helpful and positive.”

“I’m writing a book on encouragement. I’ve dog-eared pages of your book so I can share your quotes.”

“I’m a quote?!? I am honored.” I was getting pretty warm inside.

Another neighbor stopped by to drop off her contact information. My youngest son took the note and when I got home, barely out of my car, he rushed over to me. “You better call Cheryl. She needs a couple of your books, fast!”  As It turned out, her daughter, an occupational therapist, wanted to help her young cyclist patient beyond the hospital stay.

And it’s not just the cyclist crowd clamoring for my book. (Not really clamoring, but I like a little creative drama.) Some people are just plain old inspired for a variety of reasons. One friend took me to lunch because the book touched her, reminding her of how grateful she is to have her husband around after a scary illness.  She had to talk to me and invited me to her book club.

Several readers talk about how special they think their husband is, just like I conveyed about Hubby in the book. My wifely niceness spoke to them, something I didn’t think was a big deal. Like I say in the book, if your Lovey is hurt, the Super Power inside of you is revealed. Forget the fact he leaves his socks all over the house or he can’t efficiently load a dishwasher, he’s worth protecting.

So, there you have it, a book report (aka progress report) on my own book. Thank you blog-followers and book-fans. Your feedback means a ton.


Francie Low, Author

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